View Invoices


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  1. Click the view invoices link.

    Step 1
  2. Click the invoice number link of interest.

    Step 2
  3. The invoice will appear in a new window or tab. 


    <NOTE:  You should turn off all pop-up blockers.>

    Step 3
  4. This is the amount due from your last invoice.

    Step 4
  5. This section displays the net transactions posted since your last invoice.

    Step 5
  6. This is the amount owed by the due date.  This amount does NOT include any anticipated / unposted financial aid (which can be viewed in the box below).

    Step 6
  7. ANTICIPATED AID:  financial aid that has been awarded and accepted but has NOT been posted and thus will NOT be reflected in the Total Due.

    Step 7
  8. Pay your bill:

    1. via your SOAR account. 

    2. by mailing it.  Please print and attach this 2nd page of the bill with your payment.

    3. in-person at the Business Office (Forrest County Hall, 1st floor).  Please print and bring in this 2nd page of the bill when making your payment.

    Step 8

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