With Yuja, you have the ability to do a video quiz. A video quiz is a Yuja video with embedded quiz question that appear as the video plays. Instructors can add these video quizzes to a Canvas module as a “check for understanding” component or they can be added to the Canvas Gradebook as an Assignment, which stores and score student results on the video quiz.
The setup and grading Yuja video quizzes can be complex, which is why the tutorial for this task is broken-up over two documents. To learn more about using non-graded Yuja video quizzes, see the Yuja – Non-graded Video Quizzes support document.
Pre-Quiz Creation Setup
In order to create a Video Quiz, the video must be created first. You cannot create the video and the quiz questions at the same time. If you have not yet created this video, please do so now. See the Yuja – Creating New Video support guide for assistance.
NOTE: The video may be created with other software or within another system, but it must be uploaded to Yuja. The Video Quiz feature will not work unless the video in question has been created with Yuja or uploaded to your Yuja account.
If you plan on using Yuja video quizzes as graded items within your Canvas course, you first have to establish the “course channel” in Yuja. This process is not complicated and is required for quiz results to post back to individual students in the Canvas gradebook. To establish a course channel in Yuja:
- In Canvas, click on Settings in the course navigation column
- Click on the Navigation tab
- In the disabled items section, enable the Yuja item
- Click Save.
This will create a Yuja item in the course navigation column. There will be no content in this item when clicked. Yuja uses this connection to establish a course roster for the quiz, but this roster is not automatically generated. In order for Yuja to capture individual student information, each student must click on the Yuja course navigation column item once. After each student has done this, the item can be hidden again. The act of students clicking on this navigation item connects the student’s Yuja account to the student’s Canvas account, which allows grade information to transfer between systems.
NOTE: If you plan to use multiple graded quizzes in your course, you do not have to repeat this step each time. Once the course channel roster is captured, it remains for the life of the course.
Creating a Video Quiz
After the video has finished processing, login to Yuja and locate the video in your My Media storage. If you need help logging into Yuja or accessing your My Media, please see the Yuja – Getting Started support guide.
Hover your mouse pointer over the desired video and a menu will appear on the right-side of the video thumbnail (see right). Select More from this menu.
A new window will appear with a number of menu options and a video preview area. One of the options in the left-most column is Quizzes (see below).
Selecting Quizzes will display any quiz you may have already created for the video and/or a create quiz button (+Create Quiz – see below). If you see existing quizzes, you will also see the following options per quiz: Edit, Delete, or Publish. Publish is not available for all quizzes. Only those quizzes that have been posted to a course channel will have the publish button. To create a quiz, click the +Create Quiz button.
The quiz creation page is basic but contains a number of options (see below):
- Settings
- Preview
- Discard
- Save
- Post
- Add Question
Settings give instructors two options: (1) displaying correct answers immediately after a student submits their answer to the question and (2) Disabling Fast Forward.
- Displaying Correct Answer: After the student selects an answer for the question, a button appears labeled “am I right?” Clicking this highlights the correct answer for the student. It is a way for the student to quickly check their work and it is not available for short answer question types. Students can change their answer to the correct answer after they click this button. This option is purely for “check for understanding” use.
- Disabling Fast Forward: If you think of an online video you may have seen recently, that video has a timeline with a dot that moves across the screen as the video plays. You can fast-forward or rewind the video as needed with that do. The Disable Fast Forward feature in Yuja Quizzes prevents students from skipping ahead to the next question and forces them to watch the entire video. Check the boxes next to the desired Settings options and click Save.
Preview allows you to see how the quiz video will display to students, including all settings options and quested added to the video.
Discard deletes the quiz from Yuja. It does not delete the video from Yuja. If you discard the quiz you cannot recover it.
Save allows you to save your work but it does not post the quiz to a course channel or group. Saved quizzes also display in a draft, or unpublished, state until they are added to a course.
Post allows you to publish the quiz to a course channel, or group, immediately. This also allows instructors to set availability dates for the quiz. If an instructor wishes to have quiz results added to the gradebook of their Canvas course, the quiz must be posted.
NOTE: If you plan to use video quizzes as “check for understanding” items only, you do not have to Post. You can simply Save your quizzes.
Add Question allows you to add questions to the video quiz. There are four different question types you can use:
- Multiple Choice
- Select Multiple (or Multiple Answer)
- Short Answer (For Graded Quizzes Only)
- True or False
Adding Questions to a Video Quiz
To add a question to a video quiz, you must first play the video. Questions are embedded at different time-stamps within the video. So, you must traverse the video (i.e., fast-forward, rewind, or play) until you get to a spot in the video where you want to ask the student a question. When you get to that point:
- Click the Add Question Button
- Select the type of question you wish to add
- Complete the Add Question form that appears
- Click Save when finished
The form gives you the opportunity to change the question type with the Type pull-down, if needed. It also tells you the specific time-stamp in the video where the question is placed. Add your question text (i.e., the question you want to ask) in the Question text area (see below).
The question text area also includes a rich-text editor so you can stylize your question text, including LaTeX. LaTeX is a typeface system used for scientific documents and publications. It is not required but is available for those who need it.
Question in Yuja video quizzes also allow instructors to provide a question hint. These hints are text based. A link will appear on questions where a hint is provided, which will display the hint text to the student per question. If no hint text is provided, the link will not appear. This is optional and is not required for the quiz question to be saved.
The possible answer options will vary depending on the type of question selected. By default, Yuja gives all multiple choice, select multiple, and true or false question types two answer options. You can add additional options to the multiple choice and select multiple types with the Add Option button.
On the right of each answer option is a cog-wheel icon. This icon displays the same rich-text editor available in the question text for each answer option.
For the multiple choice, select multiple, and true or false question types, you can specify a correct answer. Multiple choice and true or false options use radio buttons, where only one answer can be correct. Select multiple uses check boxes, where more than one answer can be correct. When you select your correct answers, Yuja will mark student responses appropriately.
Short Answer question types do not have this capability. If a short answer question type is used, instructors must view the quiz results in Yuja to see these answers, which can only be done in graded quizzes.
NOTE: Short answer questions only work graded video quizzes, which means they require the creation of a course channel. Please see the Pre-Quiz Creation Setup section of the document for more information.
Continue moving through the video and adding questions as needed to complete the quiz. Click Post when finished.
The Post Quiz form will appear with availability dates and a course channel selection area. Set the quiz availability, select the course channel, and click Post.
NOTE: The course channel name will appear as the course name in Canvas, with a month and year next to it. The month and year denote the time in which the Yuja link was activated in the course, not the semester in which the course is offered.
Adding Yuja Video Quizzes to Canvas
The process to have the quiz results from Yuja come back to Canvas as a graded assignment requires instructors to create an assignment in Canvas and place the video quiz into the assignment, rather than placing the video quiz directly into a module.
NOTE: If you have not already created your course channel in Yuja, please do this before completing the steps below. Refer to the Pre-Quiz Creation Setup section of the document for more information.
The steps are as follow:
- In the desired Canvas course, create a new Assignment
- Add an Assignment Name and point value for the quiz
- In the Submission Type area, click on the pull-down menu and select External Tool
- Click the Find button
- Scroll down and select Yuja from the list of options
- The Yuja Media Chooser window will appearThe section of the chooser that lists videos you can access is divided into two tabs: (1) Media and (2) Quizzes. Click the Quizzes tab and select the desired quiz. This tab also lists the published/unpublished status of these quizzes. Make sure the quiz you are selecting is Published.
- Click Select
- Complete the rest of the Assignment form (i.e. Due Dates, Available dates, etc.)
- Click Save or Save and Publish
You can leave the assignment in Assignments if you allow students to access Assignments. If not, you will need to place the Video Quiz assignment in the appropriate module. With either method, make sure the Video Quiz assignment is published, or students will not be able to access it.
When students open the assignment to take the quiz, the video will appear as normal with a play symbol. Students will watch the video until a quiz question is reached. The question will overlay the video with the available answer options (see below). Once the student answer the question, the video will resume. When the student is finished with their quiz, they must click the Submit button to submit to “turn in” their quiz.
NOTE: The “Am I Right?” button appears when the Display Correct Answer setting is activated during quiz creation. This is not recommended for graded quizzes, as students can see the correct quiz answer before marking an answer on the question.
Results from the quiz will appear in the Canvas grade book as a score, under the video quiz assignment column. Points are assigned for this video quiz based on the number of questions in the quiz and total point value for the assignment (this assigns a point value per question). If you used the select multiple question type, Yuja/Canvas will assign partial points for correct answer selections. If you used the short answer question type, you will need to mark these questions correct/incorrect in Yuja, and those results will carry over to Canvas. You cannot use the SpeedGrader to grade Yuja video quizzes and quiz results are not available to students in Canvas. Students can, however, view Yuja graded quiz results in Yuja.
Seeing and Grading Quiz Results in Yuja
Yuja video quiz results are stored in Yuja, not Canvas, and only for graded quizzes. To view these results, you must login to your yuja account (usm.yuja.com). Yuja uses the same w-number and password as Canvas.
In your Yuja account is a Main Menu icon, located in the top-right corner of your screen (see right).
The only option available to instructors on this menu is Usage & Analytics. The Yuja Grade Book for quizzes is located within this menu item.
On the left side of the Usage & Analytics page is a navigation column, which will expand when you roll your mouse pointer over the column. Select Gradebook from this menu.
The Grade Book contains three elements: (1) a Select a Group pull-down menu, (2) a Select a Quiz pull-down menu, and (3) a Get Results button (see below).
First, you select your course channel with the Select a Group pull-down menu. Use the second pull-down menu to select the desire quiz. Finally, click Get Results to open the quiz results.
Quiz results will display per quiz question and per student. If you have short answer quiz questions that need reading, those questions will appear individually, with student answers. Mark these responses correct, or incorrect, as needed. Click the Grade Now button to complete the grading process. Scores will update in Canvas based on these results.
NOTE: Any grade corrections to specific quiz questions must be done in Yuja, not Canvas. You can adjust scores in the Canvas gradebook but this adjustment will not reflect correct/incorrect quiz markings in Yuja.